Urban Transport Consultants

Urban transport projects
A selection of international projects is presented below. Click thumbnail picture to review reference sheet of project. Some reports can also be downloaded. For more information, contact us.

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Year Project Click thumbnail
to see reference


Sustainable City Review: City of Skopje
Subcontracted for Phase 1 and main responsible for Phase 2 in a cooperation project financed by Swedish Sida with the purpose to assess future sustainability of the City of Skopje. Phase 2 focused on urban transportation.
To download the Sida Sustainable City Review Manual

Priority Infrastructure Investment Plan; Cebu
Development plan for a 300 hectare reclaimed area adjacent to Cebu City. Main focus on developing options for an advanced public transport system based on the BRT concept.
Bus project evaluation in Dakar
Joint responsible for the assessment of an urban transport development project including the supply of city buses by Sida.

2006 - 2009 

Sustainable Urban Mobility in Asia (SUMA)
CONTRANS  is appointed by the Swedish Sida to provide expertise on urban transport in the "SUMA" project; a regional project for Asian cities supported by Sida and implemented in coordination with the Asian Development Bank.
For information on SUMA

Urban  transport in Tripoli
Subcontracted by WSP to assist in the preparation of a public transport  policy paper  as well as  a tentative proposal for a bus rapid transit system (BRT) for the capital.
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CONTRANS   Tallboangen 65   SE-436 44 Askim   Sweden  info@contrans.se