Urban Transport Consultants

Urban transport projects
A selection of international projects is presented below. Click thumbnail picture to review reference sheet of project. Some reports can also be downloaded. For more information, contact us.

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Year Project Click thumbnail
to see reference
Bus company technical support
As part of a delivery of high-capacity buses for Dhaka, Volvo subcontracted a package of management training and consultancy support to the recipient bus operator, BRTC. The project was undertaken by a team of Swedish experts and encompassed some 30 man-months.

MetroBus feasibility ftudy for Bangalore
Feasibility study to assess the possibility to implement an advanced bus system in Bangalore based on  dedicated bus lanes and a subsequent reorganisation of traffic management. The study, undertaken in collaboration with CIRT, recommended an implementation in four phases.
To download report summary

Public transport sector reform for St Petersburg
Engaged  for a  Sida financed project aimed at investigating possible strategies for organisational and institutional reform. As the main problems were  found within the state company "Gorelektrotrans", operating tramways and trolleybuses, the study was to put particular emphasis on this organisation.
To download report summary
Formulation of government policy
CONTRANS was appointed by Swedish Sida to assist in the formulation of a policy for Swedish international assistance in the area of urban transportation. The recommendations have been adopted and now form part of Sweden’s policy in this area.
To download report summary
Bangladesh 1998 Bus project for Dhaka
CONTRANS, in collaboration with Swedish Development Advisors, was appointed by the Swedish Government (Sida) to undertake an assessment of a planned bus transport project for the City of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Public transport strategy for Nairobi
Sub-contracted by  PBI as responsible for the public transport component of the Nairobi Long Term Transport Study. The project included a comprehensive analysis of the present public transport system and a review of the possible strategic options for the future, both technical and institutional.
Public transport training project for Kingston
Engaged by Sida for the undertaking of a training program in the urban public transport sector. The trainig was directed both to bus operators, traffic planners and regulatory authorities.
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CONTRANS   Tallboangen 65   SE-436 44 Askim   Sweden  info@contrans.se